Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Back to normal.

Church camp.
Family reunion.
A week without my husband (translation: an excuse to be a workaholic).
A girls' weekend.

That's what I've been doing the past month. I didn't realize until I logged on here that it's almost been a month since posting. I feel like I'm that girlfriend who expresses interest and lavishes you with text messages and e-mails constantly.... only to fall off the face of the Earth for a bit until she comes crawling back. Even though I feel terrible for deserting this blog, I also think that I needed the break. To deal with my own life, sort some stuff out, and come back rested and ready for more.

Recharging is so important in life, but too often we feel guilty to lay something down (even if just for a bit) and focus on ourselves and the things that are most important to us. We get so caught up in our routines and wonder how it can be that we're overwhelmed. The truth, I think, is that we just get used to our own chaos and don't realize how much damage we're creating in ourselves. It's funny to me that while I preach this to clients, I'm probably the worst at it. I'm really good at initiating the laying down of things... telling myself that something "has to give"... only to find myself picking it back up a few weeks later when I start to think that I have enough time on my hands to commit to something else.

The title of this blog post is "Back to Normal". Apparently, my normal is being overwhelmed with too many things that I love too much to lay down. At least for now.