Friday, September 11, 2015


There are times when we want change to happen now. Or really, if we're being honest, we wanted them to happen yesterday. Our society is so fast paced, that we often discount the effort that goes into making changes.

Saving money for a vacation.
Finding a new job.
Closing on a house.
Finding a new partner.

The Fair Godmother reminds us that even miracles take time. As an adult going back and watching Disney movies from my childhood, it's been so interesting hearing words from songs that I memorized years ago, and finally understanding their meaning. For example....

"No matter how your heart is grieving... if you keep on believing... the dream that you wish will come true."

Of course we know that it pays to be patient. To rest in our current circumstance. To trust that things will work themselves out. But it helps to know that even the Fairy Godmother herself can't make things happen right away. :) Somehow, it helps me to calm down in the hustle and bustle of life.... to stop, and remind myself to keep believing in my dreams, to keep pursuing my goals. It might just take time.