Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A journey.

One year ago yesterday, I started a blog. My purpose was to fill the void that I created by leaving my career of being a therapist in a hospital-based setting and into private practice. Gone would be the case management, the mountainous paperwork, the politics of working for an organization... but also gone would be my group therapies, and intense passion to teach others through song, open process, and the sharing of stories.

192 posts later, I've got a year of blogging under my belt. I've had a goal to post at least three times a week, and with the exception of things lately... I think I've reached that goal pretty successfully. I don't think I fully understood the change that would come when I agreed to add "college instructor" to my list of hats, and now instead of consider a blog post each morning, I'm in class doing a different kind of teaching. I'm thankful for both forms.

The little step I made to put myself out there has brought wonderful conversation into my life... through friendships, client work, and making connections with other professionals. There are times when I blog because something speaks to me in my innermost self, times when I blog because I read something really cool, or because I need to reflect something discussed in therapy.

If you've been with me since the beginning, I hope you've enjoyed this journey.
If you've just joined me recently, I invite you to continue the ride!

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