Thursday, April 30, 2015

Moving forward.

It's so easy to stay with a thought.
To allow it to snuggle up in your brain and get comfortable.
To get caught and not be able to wriggle free.

The power of a mistake to control us is indescribable at times.
And rarely do we need reminders from others about our choices.
Because even when years go by, our misfortunes can awake like hibernated bears.
They can awake, and... just as you were starting to forget the mistakes you've made, they come barreling back into your stream of consciousness.

Sometimes, the best thing we can do is to remind ourselves that we're not perfect.
That we're flawed.
That we're human.
And that it's okay to make a mistake.
When we learn better, we do better.
When we do better, we recognize misfortunes, and turn them into opportunities for growth.
Growth, and change.
Into happier selves.

Don't dwell.
And move forward.

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