Monday, May 4, 2015

Crushes... or friends... or me.

This image came across my Facebook feed a few days ago, and while I loved it, I forgot to take a screenshot of it to save for eternity (admit it, I'm not the only one who never deletes a picture on their phone)! I knew it had to exist elsewhere in the Land of the Internet, so I searched "crushes" on Pinterest, my go-to website for all things.

I need to admit to you how depressing it was to look at the images and website links that came up for my Pinterest search. It had me walking down memory lane regarding unrequited love and interest for boys/men in my life over the years. Like a "This is Your Life" video montage, all of the guys I've had interest in during my teens years flashed before my mind... Michael and our 7th grade trip to Rock Eagle, Jason in 8th grade and "helping" him pass English by copying my test paper, or Justin in high school who had sparkling eyes.

It's no wonder this original image stood out to me. No matter how much time passes, our brain remembers. We store our memories with associated feelings... the butterflies, the happiness, and the heart break. So often we think we know what we want, but reality and the plans ahead are so much different. I remind myself of how wonderful it is that reality is different. That things usually turn out much better than the picture I have in my mind. 

Diane Stark, the mom who contributed this story in the article, reminds her daughter of seeing into a crush more than just good looks and a nice smile. Perhaps we all need to consider this, not only for crushes but also for our friends... even ourselves.

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