Friday, May 22, 2015

A dark tunnel.

There are so many analogies out there for describing the importance of seeing through our stressors. In theory, we know that it's important not to avoid our problems, and instead think about the situation and consider possible solutions. But it can be a challenge not to want to react based on our immediate emotions.

Scared. Vulnerable. Weak.

We know it's important to see our situation through. To develop strategies for coping and wait out the storm. At times, it can even seem like things are getting worse before they get better... but we know that change takes time. Change takes effort. Change takes patience.

If you're feeling as though you're going through a dark tunnel, know that you're not alone. You have other people riding the train too. People who can support you and hold your hand. People who can provide words of encouragements. If you sit still, and trust the process of change, you'll soon see sunshine peeking out ahead.

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