Monday, April 21, 2014

The Picture In Our Head

Expectations. We all have them. Some of our expectations are well-defined and realistic, which can help keep us on a good path and working on our goals. I'm going to venture to say that most of us have unrealistic expectations... either of ourselves or of others which lead us into a state of self-disappointment.
Here are a few tips on keeping that picture in your head from screwing you up:

1. Don't overpromise yourself. Remember that it's okay to say no once in awhile. (Saying no is a blog post I'm getting to soon!) For now, just know that saying no to other people is VERY appropriate, and VERY important. Don't overpromise yourself to other people, giving them the idea that they can expect more from you than is realistic.
2.  Communicate. So many times, the reasons why we are disappointed in life is because we don't communicate with other people. They don't live up to our expectations because, in essence, we don't let them in on the plans that we have for them.
3. Don't compare yourself to others. This perhaps is the most difficult (at least it is for me). Remembering not to compare yourself to other people in your life with regard to relationships, work, financial security, emotional stability, or anything else is a difficult task when you feel as though you are a trainwreck compared to someone else's perceived perfection.

In reality, things are supposed to be exactly how they are right now. The obstacles, the frustrations, the joys, the sorrows. They are all preparing you for amazing journeys ahead. Instead of wishing you were somewhere else, embrace your present... either considering the lesson to be learned through the challenge you are facing or enjoying the exciting celebration.

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1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your posts... gets me thinking. I'm passing your blog to others. No doubt this www therapy session you have for us will be helpful for them too. Thanks for blogging!
