Monday, September 29, 2014

Break free.

I know several people (myself included) who need this quote right now. Who are facing a change, and needing help with finding acceptance of a situation and how they will fit themselves into the bigger picture... knowing that ultimately we are not in control, and that we will all be okay when the dust settles.

It's so interesting how we get used to things in our lives. Things like the silverware drawer being the first drawer to the left of the stove, and so when we go to a friend's house and naturally reach for that drawer, we wonder why THEIR silverware isn't in the same place. Or how we get used to people being in our lives. Many times we don't realize that impact that people have on our lives until they tell you that they're going away. You don't realize until you have time for reflection how much you will miss her quick-witted humor. His thoughtfulness in showing appreciation.  It's funny that we participate in relationships with others and become so used to characteristics, that we often forget to share with them that which we love about them so.

Something happens, however, when we realize that we need to grow. Realize that we can't keep our feet where they currently are... that they need to explore new places and reach new heights. There can be confusion, sadness, and even anger. (Why isn't your silverware drawer to the left of your stove?! It should be!) 

When change is met with love, we realize that we have the capacity to grow. Change isn't meant to be scary, although so many of us think that way. We fear change because we're not sure what is going to happen. 

What will come of me?
Will I find a job?
Will this new relationship work?
Will my old friends still talk to me?
What if I made a mistake?
Will there be a drawer to the left of the stove for our silverware? :)

Have courage. Break free from your every day living. Take chances. Embrace that other people may do the same. Accept their decisions, and encourage them to break free from you... even if it hurts. Understand that you aren't in control of anyone but yourself, and that when it comes down to it you can only control how you respond to others' choices.

Be fragile.
Break free.

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