Wednesday, September 10, 2014

No one else.

- Every 13.3 minutes, someone in the world ends their life via suicide.
- An average of 6 people are effected by the death of someone who commits suicide.
- Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death, worldwide.
- More women attempt suicide, but more men complete suicide.
- 9 out of every 10 people who commit suicide have a mental health diagnosis.
- Only 3 of those 10 ever received treatment for their mental health issues.

- Talking about suicide increases the chances for someone contemplating suicide to follow through.
- Suicide is a coward's way out of their problems.
- People who commit suicide are weak individuals.
- Once a person commits suicide, other people will take their place in life.

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. This day is perhaps one of the most important in my career. I've worked with countless numbers of individuals who have considered, planned, and acted on completing suicide. I am so very grateful to have had an opportunity to work with them, for them allowing me into their vulnerable lives, and offer a ray of hope.

For anyone who is struggling now with thoughts or feelings of suicide, you are not alone and there is help available. Dozens of organizations have been developed around the world to provide assistance... a voice to calm you, an ear to listen, material to read, a lifeline to help.

One of my favorite organizations is To Write Love On Her Arms, which is beyond incredible in providing education, assistance, and hope to those struggling with self-harm and suicidal thoughts. They developed the "No One Can Play Your Part" campaign (which is the source of my image above), which speaks to the myth that people struggling with suicide often think that they are replaceable... that people will be better off and move on once they are gone.

The National Suicide Hotline is another resource... {800} 273-TALK... where a trained counselor will talk to ANYONE about issues related to suicide, specifically providing support to those contemplating death by suicide.

The truth about today is that suicide does not have to happen. I know that people considering suicide believe that suicide will end all misery in their lives, but by doing so they will never have an opportunity to have anything improve. No one can play your part. Everyone is important.

Spread the love.

Here are some more links to helpful websites:

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