Friday, September 12, 2014

Don't rush.

Do you remember in elementary school rushing through a test, hoping to be the first one finished? As if being the first to finish a task meant that you were the best. The smartest. The coolest.

What is usually meant is that you were the fastest. And that's it.

I've come to realize that progress, no matter how slow, is still progress. Sure, things might not happen nearly as fast as I'd like to them to be. Other people might not make decisions on my time schedule. I might feel at times as though things are standing still.


I need to take a deep breath. I need to relax. I need to understand that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. I need to understand that good things take time to develop. That if everything happened quickly, I might get overwhelmed, do a poor job, or not appreciate things as they come my way. When we understand the importance of slowing down, whether purposefully or by happenstance, we realize that small steps in the right direction are better than giant leaps that may lead us to falling.

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