Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Love yourself.

I get it.
You don't like the way you look... so you eat a bag of Oreos.
You hate that it takes you 15 minutes to walk a mile... so you stop walking.
You don't like the mistakes you've made... so you talk down to yourself.
You don't like the things that have happened to you over the years... so you punish yourself.

I get it.
I get that when you don't like being YOU, the last thing you do is take care of yourself.

The only way. The only way to like yourself... to love yourself... is to treat yourself as if you already do.

Eat healthy because you want to become that way.
Exercise because you know it's important for a healthy body.
Engage in positive self-talk and challenge negative thinking because you deserve good messages.
Set boundaries with others and be assertive because you are worth standing up for yourself.

It's so oxymoronic to think that if we don't like something about ourselves, we are so much more apt to think and do negative things to our bodies... as if punishment will dramatically change the way we think, feel, and behave. In truth, punishment just leads us to dislike ourselves even more. If we take a deep breath, however, and if we pull back for a moment and think about what it takes to love and do those things to ourselves, we can open the door to so many good things.

All it takes is one moment of good. Slowly, but surely, something changes... you notice progress... and the sky is the limit for improvements to be made!

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