Monday, October 20, 2014

The same.

I've never considered this perspective before.

I think, and talk, about change all the time... encouraging people to consider the benefits and costs of change, of taking risks, of believing in themselves. I've asked people to think about where they'd like to be in 10 years, sure, but have never thought about this perspective. I, for one, know that I don't want my life to be the same.

Not that life is bad. I would consider myself a relatively happy person. I enjoy my relationships, my job, and my life circumstance. But I know this isn't it. This isn't all that life can offer me. I want more. I want to travel. I want to learn. I want to develop deeper relationships with the people I care about. I want to develop new relationships with others. I want to be stretched and grow. Into a better person. Into a better friend. Into a better wife. Into a better therapist.

So why, the question remains, are we (am I) afraid of change?

If I look back on just even the past year, I can identify so many changes that have happened in my life. So I know that change is good. I know that change is possible... if I set my mind to it, if I am willing to take a chance at things going wrong, and if I am willing. But it doesn't mean that I'm okay with the unknown.

I wonder if we take a look at how things were, for ourselves, 10 years ago. Shifting in the opposite direction. Consider everything in your life that has changed in 10 years.

Wow. A lot.

A marriage.
Graduate school.
A career.
Financial improvement.

If these things can happen, imagine what can be possible in another 10 years.

When you're feeling stuck. When you're not sure if you can move forward anymore. Remind yourself of how far you've come in the past 10 years. Surely, you've done something right. Remind yourself of 5 things you've done well... and allow those things to serve as motivation for the next 5 things you hope to accomplish.

You can do it.

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