Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Just start.

I get this.
I sooo get this.

Sometimes I wonder if we have too many options in life. Whether it's the choices on the menu at a restaurant, the color of nail polish at the salon, or choosing a career... it seems like the options are endless. And while the freedom to choose is wonderful, it can often be quite overwhelming. It can be overwhelming if we think of making a choice as being the final word, as if there is no room for error or an option to change down the line. Almost as if we need to lock in our answer and live with it forever.

But rarely is that ever true. At least for me, it hasn't.

When I started college, I was a marketing major. I *knew* what I wanted out of life (work for an advertising firm and live in a loft apartment in Atlanta so that I could host awesome dinner parties with friends). The dream was there and real. But not realistic. What came to be real was an Economics course that I didn't care anything about and the reality of having to take more business classes instead of just creative marketing classes.

At the same time, I happened upon an Intro Psychology course and nailed it.
The next semester, I changed my major.

In graduate school, I did my first internship in the school system which was preparing me to continue toward an Education Specialist degree in School Psychology. I loved it. I thought this was the way to help kids. All I needed was one more semester of internship to graduate (which had to be in a clinic-setting) and I would begin my new degree program that fall. Application sent in. Acceptance letter received. Classes chosen. 

My second semester of internship was where I fell in love with therapy.
I never started the Education Specialist degree program.

There are always going to be options in our lives. Some of them may seem more exciting than others... more anxiety-provoking... some more comfortable. But we eventually have to make a choice and start. For if we never start, we won't ever find out how well we are at adapting to our situations. Learning about ourselves. Finding our passion.

And the best news? You aren't locked in to your decisions for the rest of your life. If you make a choice and don't like it, it's okay to change your mind. You can change your job, you can move to a new state, you can get out of a bad relationship, you can apologize and repair a relationship, you can make mistakes and move forward.

You just have to start.

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