Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Feeding friends.

Have you ever heard of the 5 Love Languages? If you have, you know that it's awesome. If you haven't, I encourage you to take a few minutes (really, it's just about 5-7 minutes) and take the online test, which reveals some pretty insightful stuff... mainly, the language in which you share your love to others. Even though the creators offer up 5 languages (Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch) I personally think they are GRAVELY missing a very important language of love.

The language of food.

According to the 5LL, my main language is Words of Affirmation which I incredibly agree with, but I would submit that if food were added, it would be a top contender. I love sharing food with others, get excited about inviting friends over for meals, and get over-the-moon thrilled when I make special treats for special friends. If I had it my way (including a maid to keep my house clean all the time) I would invite friends over every weekend for cook-outs and parties. There is something wonderful about sharing love and laughter with friends over BBQ chicken and macaroni and cheese.... the family-style meals where we pass the dishes to one another over the table. Big smiles and big plates. No one leaving hungry. Sharing joys and sorrows. Sharing love.

Food equals love to me.
If I feed you, I love you.

I remember a few years ago, one of my best friends and I planned a dinner party with friends. I planned the perfect menu for weeks, made the shopping list down to the aisle, and we had the best day cooking together before the dinner. That day equaled love.

Love means showing people that you care about them.
Love doesn't always mean presents.
Loves doesn't always mean spending money.
Love means sharing stories and laughing until your cheeks hurt.

And sometimes, love means eating until your belly button pops out.

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