Thursday, June 19, 2014


I've been engaging in a lot of comparison conversations lately... with clients, with friends, with co-workers. Comparing ourselves to others. Whether it's about physical attributes, comparing where we are in life to where others are, and so many places in between. I wonder why and how it becomes so easy to look at ourselves and want something different.

Not that are are unappreciative of what we have (though, I guess if we are complaining and comparing, I guess there could be an argument for that) but that we spend so much time noticing other people's light highlights, and negate our own. Truthfully, we have blinders on to not notice that other people have faults and things that they aren't proud of either. 

And let's be honest, social media doesn't really help in that department. Social media is a perfect opportunity to put out there life's highlight reels... while I sit at home, thinking of my reality, I'm reading the things that you WANT me to know. Not the nitty, gritty details of what goes on behind the scenes of your life.

This image above reminds me that I am enough.

I am enough for me.
I am enough for my family.
I am enough for my friends.
I am enough for my job.

I might not be where I want to be physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally on some days (or all of them) but I am enough. There are things I want to change and improve, but I need to be okay with where I am... to not beat myself up about who I am today... in order to get to a point where I believe that I am capable of change.

You are enough too.

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