Friday, June 6, 2014

Will this matter?

In different periods of my life, I've seen this question and considered its meaning as I think about the stress of my current situation and worries on my mind. Sometimes, the answer is a loud, resounding "NO" while other times, there is a puzzling "maybe?"

I like to keep the question close by in my thoughts, and pull it out of my resource tool-box to use on those occasions when I need a reality check over something I have been keeping in my mind over and over. Asking yourself "Will this matter a year from now?" might be a great way to help you in clearing out some brain clutter that you've been carrying around with you that no longer serves you any purpose.

**Okay, fine. I'll stop here for a second. Yes, a resource tool-box. You don't have one of those? Yes, it's imaginary. But yes, it's the coolest thing ever. It's got all sorts of things I use to help me figure things out when I need help... a stop sign for when I need to stop my negative thoughts... a set of pom-poms when I need to be my own cheerleader... you get the idea.**

I wonder what would happen if we approached everything we did today with a "will it matter" attitude. If someone cuts us off on the highway... the lunch that we have with friends... the decision to blow off going to the gym after work... spending that extra minute on the phone with your kid. Sometimes, the experiences that we have really DON'T matter in life, and we need to let them go. But sometimes they really DO.

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