Thursday, June 26, 2014

Not my circus.

Sometimes, it's hard not to be sucked in to the drama that other people create for, and around, themselves. There may even be times when we willing participate in situations like these because people with circus lives are exciting and chaotic. You might think that you can rescue these people by offering advice to their emotional rollercoaster life situations, and end up getting more involved than you ever wanted to in the first place.

Not engaging in another person's circus is important for two reasons: 

1. Let them be the Ring Leader.

Everyone needs to learn to be the Ring Leader of their own circus, and if you are doing the work for them, they'll never learn to tame their tigers.

If you bail someone out financially, they'll never learn the value of a balanced checkbook. If you give in the 6th time someone asks for something, they will continue asking 6 times. If you continue to listen to dramatic life stories, they will continue their pattern of unrealistic life expectations.

2. You have your own circus.

It's important to remember that you have your own circus, and your own monkeys to be tending to... despite trying to take care of someone else's business. No one is going to take care of your business while you are gone, so don't spread yourself too thin getting involved with someone else's stuff.

It might seem selfish at first, but thinking about the extra stress on your own life is not worth the price. Reminding yourself that you are only responsible for your life and the choices that you make, allows your mind to be focused on your goals and can prevent mood shifts when things don't go as planned along the way.

Not your circus... not your monkeys.

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