Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Remember why.


I spent Monday and Tuesday at a conference on Jekyll Island. From Valdosta, the drive to Jekyll is a little over two hours, so the time I had in my car provided good thinking time. I was reminded of how many changes I've experienced over the past few months, and took some time to process where I am in the transition and acceptance of these changes. I thought about where I am and where I'd like to be.

During my conference, one of the sections focused on "finding the fire within", and our discussion took me back to my drive over to the island and evaluating if I was where I needed to be at this time in my life. (I love when things happen in my life that are seemingly unrelated come full circle.) As I sat there in our group, I considered my reflection and whether my fire was mere kindling getting started, a roaring fire in flames, or just burning coals.

I thought about why I started.

What do I feel my purpose is?
... as it relates to me.
... as it relates to clients.
... as it relates to the greater good.

Whether we call it a reflection, an evaluation, or an inventory, taking time out every once in a while to assess where you are and WHY you are here is important. Remembering why you started the journey is critical to preventing burn-out of our behaviors. Recalling the "fire" that was ignited that led you to making changes in your life might be just the motivation you need to rekindle the excitement you once had at your job... of a relationship... of exercising.

I once read a quote that said on days when you don't feel like you have anything give, put your hand over your heart. If it's beating, you have a purpose. Now go out, and give your best today.

Why did you start?

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