Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Does anyone want to join me on the runway of life as a stress supermodel?
Oh, good... I'm not the only one. :)

When stress tries to get the best of me, I try to do a few things to get myself back on track. I wanted to share them with you today. Perhaps they can help you too.

Drink margaritas.
Talk to a friend.
Come up with a game plan.
Have a good cry.
Talk to another friend.
Engage in self-talk.

No matter what the order, I find that part of my stress release always involves crying, talking to at least two people, and coming up with a plan of attack. It usually involves prayer and self-talk too. (I wonder if I talk to more than one person to complain or to make sure my plan is good and solid?) Usually, the people that I talk to typically give the same suggestions on how to respond to my stressors.

I know that everyone deals with problems in their own ways. For example, there are people who keep everything to themselves... how on Earth do they do that?! There are people who don't cry... my tear ducts would explode! I know I can just give insight into how I deal with my stress. 

However you deal with your pain, know that if it isn't successful (meaning that you are able to gain a healthy response from your actions) there are other ways to try addressing the situation next time. If you typically hold your thoughts and feelings in, maybe next time you can trying talking to a trusted friend or family member. If you typically share all of your feelings to everyone and feel like you aren't being taken seriously, maybe you could try sharing your feelings to only one person, or try journaling your thoughts down first and thinking about them before sharing them with others. 

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