Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Your Sign

I wonder how often we think about other people's situations instead of only paying attention to our own thoughts and feelings. In truth, I doubt very often.

When someone doesn't return our phone calls for days.
When someone is short-tempered with us.
When someone cuts us off while driving.

Do you ever stop and think about their situation... what might be contributing to their attitudes and behaviors? We get angry, frustrated, and exhausted dealing with other people's stress, but don't seem to consider what the other person might be experiencing. That whole "shoe on the other foot" situation.

Someone who doesn't return your phone call might be embarrassed to admit something they did wrong.
Someone who is short-tempered might have just gotten fired, and doesn't know how to process it yet.
Someone who cut you off while driving might be in a hurry to visit a loved one in the hospital.

I ran across this image above and wondered what I might write if I had to wear a sign across my chest, helping people explain my behaviors at times. I wonder what you might write if you wore a sign. To help people show a little more compassion. 

Going through a terrible divorce.
Just got rejected from college of my dreams.
My mom just got diagnosed with cancer.
I have never felt more alone in my life.

If we were to know each other's vulnerabilities and situations, would we be more considerate? Would we not rush to end a conversation, would we reach out and listen more? Would we be more patient with our neighbors?

If you wore a sign today to help people understand you better, what would it read?

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