Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My flaws.

If I wanted to make my husband laugh, I would tell him that I don't have any flaws.
The truth is, I know I have many.
My flaws are what make me fabulous. (Ooooo, I think I need to copyright that quote!)

The sad truth is that so often, we spend a lot of time and effort and energy trying to please other people or explain to other people why we don't measure up to their expectations... when in reality, we need to be spending that time growing through life. Because the reality is that I know I'm going to screw up.

I know I'm going to miss the mark.
I know I'm going to disappoint other people.

But you know what?

I'm also going to learn.
I'm going to learn how to do things my own way.
I'm going to learn from mistakes.
I'm going to learn to balance my life.
I'm going to learn the value of things (sometimes only after losing things that mean a lot to me).
I'm going to learn that some things are worth spending my last dime for.
I'm going to learn that some people are worth fighting for.
I'm going to learn how to walk away.
I'm going to learn how to hold on.

And when all is said and done, I'm going to learn that despite everything I've learned, I'm still going to have flaws.

And that's okay.

Because I'll never be done growing.
Or living.

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